How i can open my cd/dvd rom on aspire e14 i can't find the button anyone can help me?

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How i can open my cd/dvd rom on aspire e14 i can't find the button anyone can help me?

#How i can open my cd/dvd rom on aspire e14 i can't find the button anyone can help me? | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Broken Laptop Keyboard? 12 Simple Fixes

You're hammering out your report's last page when suddenly, your laptop keyboard stops responding. No warning, no mercy - without a working keyboard, your computer can’t respond.  You could easily replace a regular keyboard, but a laptop keyboard? That's entirely different. Don't panic, though. We've got you covered with our foolproof checklist to solve this. 1) Pinpoint the problem: Is the issue keyboard-related?   Is the laptop screen lit up? You want to rule out broader system glitches before zeroing in on your keyboard. Here are some questions to kickstart your detective work: * Is the laptop turned on?  * Is the power indicator lit?  * Is the laptop connected to a power source via an AC adapter or battery?  * Is the power cord properly connected to the laptop and the wall socket?  * Will another appliance work on the same power source?  * If running on battery power, is the battery drained? Crossing these off the list will help pin the issue on the keyboard, streamlining your fix-it mission. 2) Hit the reset button: reboot your laptop  When tech goes haywire, a reboot often works. Resetting your system can fix minor glitches. So, turn off and restart your laptop - a quick reboot might be all it takes to bring your keyboard back to life. Since your keyboard's gone rogue, a hard reset might be necessary. Unplug your laptop and, if your model allows, detach the battery. A hard reboot could bring your keyboard back to life. 3) Identify the issue: hardware or software?  After verifying that your computer is functioning correctly, it's time to focus on the keyboard itself. Keyboard issues usually come from either: * Hardware failure  * Software bugs Most hardware issues can be identified by looking at your keyboard. Is your keyboard dirty? Are specific keys sticky or hard to press? The easiest way to determine the root cause is to connect an external USB keyboard. If the external keyboard works fine, it's likely a physical problem with your laptop's built-in keyboard. 4) Check for external device conflicts  Once you have ruled out that software isn't the problem, you can check for hardware glitches: * Disconnect all peripherals. Every device and cable connected to your laptop should be removed.  * Cut off the power supply completely: unplug your laptop, remove its battery, and reinsert it. Overheating can cause keyboard issues as the battery is directly beneath the keys.  * Turn on your laptop. If it starts successfully and your keyboard works, the issue might be with one of your external devices.  * Reconnect and test each device. Plug in one device at a time, checking your keyboard function. This method helps you identify if a specific peripheral is causing the keyboard issue. 5) Clean your keyboard Sometimes, the problem is less complicated than it seems. Ever thought that your late-night doughnut indulgence during a gaming marathon might be the culprit? Sugary crumbs can create sticky situations, especially when combined with humidity. To determine if some grime is hampering your keys, turn off the laptop and clean your keyboard before powering up again. Follow these steps to clean your keyboard effectively: * Shut down your laptop and disconnect it from the power source. Safety first!  * Use a can of compressed air to gently blow away any dust or soft debris lodged beneath or between the keys. For stickier residue, a lint-free cloth can solve it.  * Flip your laptop upside-down and give it a light tap to dislodge any loose debris. While it's upside-down, consider brushing the keys gently to help remove anything stuck.  * After your cleaning spree, restart your laptop. A simple cleaning might be necessary to restore your keyboard to its former glory. For a detailed approach, see our complete cleaning your keyboard guide. 6) Software issue? Update the keyboard drivers.  One common source of keyboard trouble, besides liquid spills, is outdated or incorrect drivers. If so, you'll likely need to connect an external keyboard and mouse to navigate your computer. With your external devices ready, follow these steps to download and install your keyboard drivers: * Type device manager in the Windows taskbar search box, and select Device Manager from the results list.  * Find your keyboard and double-click on the icon.  * Click the Driver tab, then click Update Driver.  * Follow the instructions to complete the update.  If the driver update didn't work, it's time for Plan B - driver reinstallation. Even if no bright yellow exclamation mark tells you there's a driver issue, it's worth trying.  To uninstall the driver: * Navigate to Device Manager. * Right-click on your keyboard icon and choose Properties. * Click the Driver tab, and select Uninstall device. Now, reboot your laptop. Windows will automatically fetch the latest driver and install it. If a faulty driver was the cause of your keyboard meltdown, this step should resolve it. 7) Check the keyboard layout  Unintentionally changed your laptop's language or keyboard layout? If your keys are typing different letters than they should be, simply adjust the keyboard layout on your Windows system with these steps: * Open Settings from the Start Menu.  * Navigate to Language.  * Under Preferred Languages, click on your default language and select Options.  * Click Add a Keyboard and select the correct layout US QWERTY. Now, your keys should correspond to their expected inputs. But if you're still experiencing keyboard issues, follow Microsoft's detailed instructions. 8) Run an SFC scan  Microsoft's System File Checker (SFC) helps you fix corrupted Windows system files. This scan could potentially identify and fix keyboard troubles. Here's how to run an SFC scan: * Click Start, and type 'cmd' in the Search box.  * Right-click on Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.  * If prompted, enter the administrator password or click Allow.  * Type sfc /scannow in the Command Prompt. * Press Enter. The SFC will thoroughly scan your system files for corruption. It'll then attempt to fix any issues it finds. Once the scan is finished, reboot your computer for changes to take effect. Pro tip: Keep the Command Prompt window open until the verification hits 100% completion. 9) Tackling intermittent key issues  Sometimes, most keys work fine, but others don't function correctly. Maybe a single key press results in 4 e's, or a letter transforms into a symbol. If some keys are playing hide and seek with you, here are a few troubleshooting steps: * Explore the Microsoft Help Center: Microsoft's keyboard troubleshooting guide offers helpful instructions on fixing it.  * Check keyboard language settings: If your keys are jumbling up languages, it could be due to altered language settings.  * Perform an online keyboard test: Tools like IObit Keyboard Test allow you to assess each key's performance and identify malfunctioning ones.  * Clean the keyboard: A few obstinate keys might be due to physical obstructions. Follow our cleaning guide above. 10) Suspected virus  If you've exhausted the above solutions, there's a possibility that a virus might be at play. Malicious software can tamper with your system settings, including keyboard controls. Run a malware scan. 11) Replacing the laptop keyboard  Tried everything, and the keyboard still isn't working? Perhaps a fall jostled a tiny internal connection, or liquid damage from an accidental spill corroded the wiring. Different manufacturers build their laptops differently, so there isn't a universal solution. And replacing a laptop keyboard isn't usually a DIY job. So, if you think a keyboard replacement might be in order, here's what you can do: * Get Professional Help: Reach out to a professional computer technician. They have the expertise and tools to replace the keyboard correctly.  * Contact Manufacturer Support: If you're under warranty and have a brand-specific laptop like Acer, contact their support team. They can guide you towards a suitable repair service.  * Temporary Fix: In the interim, use an external keyboard and mouse to keep you going. Remember, when it comes to hardware fixes like these, it's best to turn to the professionals to avoid any potential laptop damage or voided warranties. 12) Keyboard Spillage  Accidents happen; taking immediate action is crucial if you've spilled liquid on your keyboard. The severity depends on the amount and type of liquid spilled and how long it stays on the keyboard. In case of a spill, here's a condensed guide:  * Act fast: Immediately disconnect the power supply and hold down the power button for around 10 seconds to switch it off.  * Mop it up: Use a microfiber cloth (not a paper towel) to absorb excess liquid.  * Battery & peripherals out: Flip your laptop, remove the battery, and disconnect any external devices.  * Air it out: Open the laptop with the screen facing away from the keyboard. Leave it turned upside down on a towel in a well-ventilated space for at least 24 hours. Don't use a hairdryer, oven, or direct sunlight to expedite drying - it could overheat the device. If you spill a sticky liquid like soda, clean it with a lint-free cloth and alcohol wipes to dissolve the sugar. Remember, ensuring all components are dry before turning the laptop back on is crucial. If in doubt, get professional help. What is the best preventive measure? Keep your desk clear of liquids! Can you fix a broken laptop keyboard?  Defective laptop keyboards are the bane of productivity, and hopefully, one of these solutions successfully fixes it. Start by troubleshooting basic issues like cleaning the keyboard and updating drivers, progressing to more technical solutions if necessary. If all else fails, connect a USB keyboard to keep your productivity on track while you seek professional assistance. Get typing again! 

How to Gain Access to Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test Beta

Brace yourselves, CS:GO fanatics! Counter-Strike 2 is launching this summer as a no-cost replacement. The game's breakthrough enhancements span from innovative smoke grenade tech to a pioneering sub-tick system for responsive gameplay. Counter-Strike 2 is live in beta, but access is only for the chosen few. Your quest for access to this coveted beta ends here. We'll detail how you can access the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test and track your invitation status.  How to play the Counter-Strike 2 beta  First, download and install the free Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This 11-year-old titan of the gaming world is your gatekeeper to Counter-Strike 2. Although CS2 is set to replace CS:GO, the latter will still be in play and serve as the exclusive channel to secure CS2 invites. Invitations to the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test are extremely rare and are dispensed by Valve. According to the official Limited Test FAQ, your invitation hinges on three crucial factors: * Your recent playtime on Valve's official CS:GO servers.  * Steam account standing.  * Trust factor.  If you are chosen, a notification will grace the main menu of CS:GO. And that's your cue to venture into the intense battlefield of Counter-Strike 2 beta. Below, we unpack each of the three determining factors in more detail.  Recent playtime on Valve's official servers  The significance of your recent playtime on Valve's official servers cannot be understated. However, it's crucial to note that only the playtime accrued before the Limited Test launch will be considered. So, any effort to play now won't impact your chances. For those off the radar, securing a spot in the CS2 Beta could become an extended waiting game. As it stands, Valve is selectively offering access to players with an established, positive Trust Factor in CS:GO. So, if you had plans to dust off your gaming skills in CS:GO to snag an invite, you might be in for a wait until the full release unfurls. However, all your existing inventory will carry over into CS2.  What is the Steam account standing?  The standing of your Steam account reflects your status with the VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat System). Wondering about your status? Here's a quick way to check:  * Launch Steam.  * Click Steam at the top-left corner of the Steam app.  * Navigate to Settings > Account tab > Click here for details.  * Your VAC status is displayed below your email address, with a link for further insights. Take note: Steam-locked accounts (regardless of the reason) are not eligible to accept or partake in Limited Test invitations. So, until the lock is lifted, your dreams of beta access remain on ice. What is Valve's Trust Factor?  "Trust factor" is deeply entrenched in CS:GO. In a 2017 blog post unveiling this innovative system, Valve explained that the Trust system gauges in-game behaviors and account attributes, creating a nuanced profile of each player, including: * How long have you played CS:GO?  * Have you been reported for cheating?  * What other games do you play on your Steam account? These data points and more coalesce into your Trust factor. The Trust system expanded to encompass your activity across all Valve games, creating an even more robust evaluation of player behavior. Unlike your account standing, your Trust factor remains invisible to you. It operates quietly in the background, shaping your gaming experience in unseen ways. Consider it Valve's secret sauce for a balanced, enjoyable, and fair gaming environment. Boosting your Trust factor is simple: engage positively within the CS:GO and broader Steam community and play games authentically. How to check if you have access to the Counter-Strike 2 beta  Once chosen for the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test, you'll spot a notification in the CS:GO main menu. When the invite appears: * Click enroll in the main menu.  * Download CS2.  * After downloading, boot up CS:GO.  * Select the "Limited Test" option to launch Counter-Strike 2 beta.  If you haven't received an invite, watch the CS:GO main menu in the coming weeks and months. While Valve hasn't shared an official time frame of when to expect more invites, they say that "More players will be added to the Limited Test over time."  Most CS:GO players still don't have access, with only a lucky select few invited. Invites are rare, with less than 1% of the CS:GO player base granted access. Caution: Beware of Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test Scams  There are no official keys or codes for Counter-Strike 2. The only legitimate way to check for Limited Test access is through an official invitation on CS:GO's main menu. A swarm of videos and websites attempt to deceive players into surrendering their Steam account details or buying non-existent keys. Valve has warned players to avoid potential scams offering access through a key and not to log in to third-party sites offering these fake keys. Stay vigilant and sidestep these scams at all costs. Counter-Strike 2 beta features  In this initial phase, Valve brings Deathmatch and Unranked Competitive matchmaking to the table, set against the backdrop of the iconic Dust2 map. Valve teases a buffet of game modes, maps, and features to be unveiled in upcoming limited test releases. The thrill of the chase isn't for naught, as experience points amassed during the limited test will roll over to your CS:GO account. For the creators and streamers among us, Valve greenlights streaming and content creation to document your early CS2 journey.  What's new in Counter-Strike 2?  CS2 is a game-changer, being the most significant upgrade in Counter-Strike history. It's coming this summer, full of fresh features. A special preview called a Limited Test has already started for select CS:GO players to fine-tune the game before the worldwide release. 1) New smoke grenades tech Bid farewell to static smoke grenades. Smoke grenades now come alive, dynamically interacting with their surroundings. Whether bullets zipping through or explosive devices detonating nearby, the smoke reacts in real-time, creating thrilling strategic possibilities.   2) Ultra-responsive gameplay No more tick rates holding your gameplay hostage. The conventional server-based time evaluations (known as ticks) are no longer part of the game.  CS2 introduces sub-tick updates, where the servers capture every action's exact instant, from the twitch of a move to the pull of a trigger. No matter the tick rate, expect ultra-responsive control over your character. 3) Improved maps CS2 sets the stage with enhanced maps, brighter, cleaner, and more immersive than ever. The game makes full use of Valve's cutting-edge Source 2 engine, offering three levels of map enhancements: * Full Overhaul Maps: Entirely reconstructed, these maps exploit the entire arsenal of Source 2's graphic and tool capabilities.  * Upgrade Maps: Sporting enhanced Source 2 lighting. They deliver visual improvements with realistic materials, lights, and reflections.  * Touchstone Maps: These classic battlegrounds serve as the yardstick for players to assess the gameplay transitions from CS:GO to CS2. They retain their core design while enhancing lighting and character visibility. 4) Vivid visual effects  CS2 breathes new life into all visual effects. From water splashes to fiery explosions, the new Source 2 lighting and particle systems lend a fresh look and behavior to every element. The UI also gets an upgrade to facilitate vital game-state communication. And don't worry, all your cherished CS:GO inventory items will journey with you to CS2, now looking more vibrant under the new Source 2 lighting. 5) Immersive and accurate audio experience  Every sound is recalibrated to mirror the environment better, stand distinct, and convey the game state accurately. Brace for a more immersive and comfortable audio experience with the new sound balance. Intel Extreme Masters Cologne 2023  For those of you waiting on your CS2 beta test invitations, scratch that counter strike itch by checking out the latest CS: Go tournament happening this August. As the summer heat rises, so does the anticipation. The world-renowned Intel Extreme Master Cologne 2023 is happening at the Cathedral of Counter-Strike in Germany. This highly anticipated tournament starts on July 26, with the finals being held over three days from August 4 to 6 at Lanxess Arena. Sponsored by Acer Predator, and labeled as the Cathedral of Counter-Strike, 24 teams will fight for the staggering $1,000,000 prize in this CS:GO Championship. Ready for the new era of gaming? Brace yourselves. The Counter-Strike 2 revolution is coming this summer! 

10 Most Expensive CS:GO Skins in 2023

The introduction of weapon skins to the competitive shooter CS:GO in 2013 is one of many reasons behind the continual growth of the game, and over the last few years, weapon skins in CS:GO have become an integral part of the experience for players. These cosmetic items not only add a touch of personality to players’ loadouts, but also increase their bragging rights among other players. What are CS:GO skins? CS:GO skins are a popular way for players to customize their gameplay experience and show off their personal style. Although weapon skins don’t grant any competitive advantage to the players on the battlefield, they can completely change the appearance of the weapons in CS:GO, allowing players to customize their in-game inventory as per their own liking. Weapon skins can either be unboxed from the cases that drop in-game, or players can choose to buy them directly from third-party marketplaces. Skins currently owned in CS:GO will carry over to the upcoming CS2 upgrade slated for this summer, where they will look even better thanks to the graphics improvements brought by CS2 to the lighting and texture of the entire game, including skins. Price tags on CS:GO skins vary wildly. Some skins can be dirt cheap and can be bought off the marketplace for only a few cents, whereas others can cost tens of thousands of dollars, with some of the rarest CS:GO skins being priced at more than a million dollars. This leads us to the question—what makes a single skin worth so much money?  How are CS:GO skin prices determined? The prices of skins are based on their rarity, attractiveness, investment value, and a bunch of other factors. The following factors affect how the value of a skin in the marketplace is perceived: * Rarity—the most valuable skins are super difficult to obtain.  * Skin condition—is the skin worn out or new?  * Presence of the StatTrak™ feature  * Is the skin a souvenir?  * Presence of stickers and what those stickers are.  * Is the skin a contraband item? Rarity Generally, the rarer the skin, the more expensive it is. Skins are categorized into seven rarity grades from most common to rarest as follows: * Common  * Industrial  * Mil-Spec  * Restricted  * Classified  * Covert  * Exceedingly Rare Skin condition Skins in poor condition are usually worth less than those that look brand new. Skin condition is set when the skin is unboxed and never changes. When equipped, the skin’s condition affects how old a weapon looks, but keep in mind it is a cosmetic factor only. Skin condition is categorized into five groups on the basis of an assigned hidden float value that ranges from 0 to 1. * Factory new: this is the best condition a skin can be in. Skins in this condition appear unused, although you may notice a few very minor scratches.  * Minimal wear: skins have a few obvious scratches, but these will usually be considered nothing major.  * Field-tested: slight signs of decay are noticeable, and the skins may have blemishes that cover a small portion (2%–10%) of the body of the weapon. These skins can look slightly lower quality than factory new skins but they can also give weapons a desirable rugged/worn style.  * Well-worn: skins will have some seriously noticeable signs of wear and tear, including scratches, fading, rust, and large blemishes.  * Battle-scarred: massive tears, rust, and worn-out paint are visible, usually making these skins less valuable. These skins are also quite common, further decreasing their value. StatTrak™ The third most important factor affecting how much a skin is worth is whether it is a StatTrak™ item. The StatTrak™ feature adds significant value to skins. CS:GO StatTrak™ is a virtual technology that enables tracking of certain in-game statistics. For example, StatTrak™ weapon skins keep track of the number of kills made using the weapon equipped with the skin, and StatTrak™ music kits count the number of times the player appeared as the round MVP. Most expensive CS:GO skins If you are an avid CS:GO skin collector and want to make your inventory stand out from the crowd, you might want to get yourself some rare and pricey skins; however, with so many factors affecting price and the large quantity of skins available, trying to find skins that are genuinely expensive and not just highly priced on a marketplace is difficult. Fortunately, we have done everything in our power to narrow things down. Let’s take a look at 10 of the most expensive CS:GO skins on the market. 1. StatTrak™ Talon Knife | Doppler (Sapphire) - 1.1k USD This ivory-handled talon knife features brass rivets and saw-tooth ridges. It has been painted with black and silver metallic paints using a marbleizing medium in a pattern of translucent wavy lines resembling smoke, then candy coated. The color scheme of the sapphire skin includes various shades of blue creating gradient transitions. 2. M4A1-S | Welcome to the Jungle - 3.3k USD The Welcome to the Jungle skin depicts a golden pit viper painted over a thick jungle background and is a favorite among players. The skin was put into the game in December 2020 along with the Operation Broken Fang update and usually sells for around $1,000. However, a souvenir version in good condition can fetch significantly more. 3. Souvenir AK-47 | Gold Arabesque - 5.9k USD The AK-47 | Gold Arabesque is an exquisite CS:GO skin known for its stunning design and intricate details. The skin features a gold-colored geometric pattern with intricate Arabesque motifs that create an elegant and luxurious appearance. If the price for the skin itself starts at $2,000, then the price for the souvenir version can exceed $12,000. 4. StatTrak™ AK-47 | Fire Serpent - 6.0k USD The Fire Serpent skin was added to the game way back in September 2013. The skin was part of the Operation Bravo update and as such can be obtained by opening the Operation Bravo case. The skin features a green serpent with huge fangs depicted on the side of the weapon alongside what appear to be clouds. The StatTrak™ version is currently available for approximately $5,050. 5. AWP | Medusa - 6.6k USD AWP | Medusa. This skin features the image of a gorgon painted on to the infamous AWP, and the factory new, covert variant currently sells for approximately $6,600.  6. StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife | Lore - 9.6k USD This skin for the Butterfly Knife is one of the newest most expensive skins, being added to the game in September 2021 as part of the Operation Riptide update. The skin itself appears to have gold plating and features a beautiful engraving across its blade. 7. Souvenir AWP | Dragon Lore - 15.1k USD The AWP | Dragon Lore is an iconic CS:GO skin that was added to the game with the Operation Breakout update in July 2014. The skin features a fire-breathing dragon painted on its side and is part of the Cobblestone Collection. The Dragon Lore skin is so rare that it’s difficult to determine its price, however the Souvenir version in excellent condition can sell for more than $150,000. 8. StatTrak™ M4A4 | Howl - 18.0k USD The iconic StatTrak™ M4A4 | Howl is possibly the most expensive CS:GO skin and certainly the rarest. It’s a contraband skin (the only one of this rarity), which means that you can’t get it by opening cases anymore. In fact, the only way to obtain the Howl is through trading it with other players on skin marketplaces.  9. StatTrak™ AK-47 | Case Hardened (661) - $30.0k USD Case Hardened AK skins can sell for exorbitant prices, depending on the pattern. Although most AK-47 | Case Hardened skins are only a few hundred dollars, pattern number 661 has an estimated value of around $30,000–$35,000.  10. Karambit | Case Hardened (387) - 200.0k USD Karambit Case Hardened knives are relatively rare, with Factory New variants typically selling for $2,000. However, the so-called “blue gem” Karambit Case Hardened knife is on a whole new level. The 387 pattern is considered a blue gem and is the most sought-after pattern. Pattern 387 puts a ton of blue on the side of the knife players see when wielding it. Regardless of the skin’s condition, that particular pattern makes the knife worth thousands. Hundreds of thousands, in fact, according to skin collectors. New wave of account bans has left $2 million worth of skins in limbo  Players who have geared up their loadouts with CS:GO skins may wish to take extra care not to get their accounts banned by Valve, which is something that happened to approximately 40 accounts in June when Valve moved to mitigate illegal CSGO skin gambling activities. Valve’s community ban policy restricts banned users from trading their skins, effectively leaving skins in a state of permanent inventory limbo. The recent wave of bans resulted in approximately $2 million worth of skins belonging to the banned accounts effectively being destroyed and has led to major repercussions for the CS:GO trading community. As Valve continues its crackdown, the future of skin trading within the game could undergo significant changes, and uncertainty around this issue is likely to cause players to hesitate with buying new skins in the short term, potentially leading to decreases in the prices of skins. Intel Extreme Masters Cologne 2023 Coming up on the agenda for CS:GO fans across the globe is Europe’s biggest CS:GO esports event: the Intel Extreme Masters happening at the Cathedral of Counter-Strike in Cologne. This highly anticipated tournament starts on July 26, with the finals being held over three days from August 4 to 6 at Lanxess Arena. The event is proudly sponsored by Acer Predator, who are helping to raise the stakes for the 24 teams who will be competing. A total of $1 million in prize money is up for grabs, as is one of the most prestigious titles around: The EPT Championship. Tickets for IEM Cologne 2023 have almost sold out, but you can always tune in to the action when it airs live on the official IEM Twitch channel. 

What is Corporate Social Responsibility and Why is It Important in SMB?

“Ethically sourced materials.”  “Cruelty-free.” “Zero carbon product.” “Sustainable packaging.” With such phrases becoming increasingly common in business, there is a need to explore its root purpose –  corporate social responsibility (CSR). In short, corporate social responsibility refers to the efforts that a business invests to enrich, rather than degrade, the wider environment and society. Aside from boosting morale at work, CSR can help a company create a public-friendly image. CSR generates the idea that a company is self-reflective and willing to adapt its practices to the shifting values of society, thus also establishing trust with consumers.  CSR itself can be achieved in different ways, and common corporate social responsibility examples include the following: 1. Environmental sustainability With climate change and its associated environmental issues being brought to the forefront, businesses are now more aware of their impact on the planet. Such investments not only slow down the path to irreversible climate change, but according to Deloitte, they also increase the average GDP going forward. With regard to environmental sustainability, CSR can be reflected through awareness of carbon footprint (i.e., the amount of CO2 released due to a business’s operation), eco-friendly ways of sourcing goods, and the use of green packaging. A clear indication of steps a company is taking towards this goal would speak to the degree to which they care about CSR. ESG, also known as environmental, social, and governance, is an extension of this. Among global tech companies, Acer ranks highly in its ESG efforts, which can be seen, for instance, in its proven efforts to reduce energy and resource consumptions. 2. Ethical responsibility  CSR is not always environment-related, as other types of ethics are equally important when running businesses. Who are the workers involved in the production line? Are they of working age? Do they work under clean conditions, and are they doing paid work within a healthy number of hours? When it comes to CSR, it is important that a company considers the whole production line—if part of the production is outsourced—and to not merely consider the working conditions of employees within their business. An additional aspect of ethical responsibility relates to animal rights. To what extent, if any, have animals been placed in uncomfortable conditions for a product to be created? This can come in the form of not using animal testing for product development or including vegan products (which, under the right circumstances, can be eco-friendly as well). With awareness and demand for more ethical practices, a whopping 62% of American consumers want companies to take a stand on current and broadly relevant issues such as sustainability, ethical sourcing, and fair employment practices. As a result, companies in the US are starting to make an effort to include better practices. 3. Philanthropic activities  Philanthropic activities are also a good way for businesses to ‘give back’ to society, or to fight for a cause they believe in. Contrary to what one may instinctively believe, philanthropic activities, while a gesture of kindness and seemingly a one-way contribution, are actually not a ‘financial loss’. In fact, there exist what is called “corporate philanthropy strategies”, where corporations use philanthropy as a means to develop their name further in the long run. Actions taken in this realm can include: * Corporate sponsorships: SMBs may choose to sponsor the projects of local communities or non-profit organizations or plan scholarship programs in given subjects. * Cause marketing: SMBs can partner with a non-profit organization for a mutual benefit. A part of the proceeds from a specific product or service can go to this organization. This helps a good cause and can appeal to socially conscious customers. Gaming giant, Blizzard Entertainment, used this method to raise 1.27 million USD for the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation by selling a limited-time in game skin called “Pink Mercy.” * Purchase-triggered donations: In a similar vein, companies may sometimes make a small donation for every purchase, encouraging sales while contributing to a cause. Shoe seller TOMS’ buy-one-give-one model, where the company donates a pair of shoes whenever one pair is bought, is one such example. Businesses are the backbone of society as they create the products and services that make up our everyday lives, so collectively, their policies are powerful enough to shape how a society operates. Whichever category may be involved, CSR can be a significant channel for pressing global issues to be slowly addressed. By promoting CSR, businesses also have the potential to influence consumers – either consciously or subconsciously—to make better decisions in the long run. The Challenges of CSR Although CSR is built on the foundation of creating positive change, it is not without its challenges. Here are some that may surface: 1) Eco-friendly products are more costly and may not always be enthusiastically received by consumers Eco-friendly products take extra resources to plan, design, and produce. It is, therefore, not surprising that products labeled as “green” are often more expensive than the non-green option. While consumers may support sustainability at heart, they may not always go for the most eco-friendly option due to financial constraints.  2) There is not one “model” to follow and evaluation may be tricky There is no single model to follow when it comes to CSR planning, unlike some other aspects of a business. Companies need insightful staff to not only develop CSR strategies that fit into the short and long-term vision, but also come up with methods to measure their impact. How can SMBs practice CSR?  Many people tend to instinctively believe that CSR is mainly a matter for large corporations. This, however, is far from the truth. Research by Santos in 2011 suggests that SMBs can engage in meaningful CSR by adopting “simple, easily applicable and cheap measures”, often in the realms of “eco‐efficiency, a better social climate or a higher profile in the local community”. So how can SMBs contribute to CSR? While there may be some limitations to what SMBs can realistically do for CSR, here are some CSR ideas for small businesses: * Choosing ethical and sustainable technology: For SMBs, CSR can just be choosing technological devices produced by companies that follow strong ethical guidelines, or businesses that pay more attention to sustainability.  * Sourcing ethically and eco-friendly materials: Taking time to choose ethically sourced or environmentally friendly materials is another way to go for SMBs. As more than 99 percent of businesses in the US are classified as SMBs, we can imagine that if every SMB were more conscientious of the origins of their products, it would indeed leave a considerable impact on the wider society. None of the above should be seen as huge, effort-draining projects, but rather small steps that SMBs can take to work towards CSR. Moreover, beyond these direct actions, SMBs can engage in CSR in a broader context: * Promoting fair employment practices: SMBs can demonstrate commitment to CSR by treating employees well, providing fair pay, and ensuring a safe work environment. * Community engagement: SMBs, often rooted in local communities, can support local initiatives and charities, furthering their social impact. * Transparent reporting: Small businesses can build trust with stakeholders by being transparent about their business practices and CSR initiatives. It is essential for SMBs to consider the increasing importance of CSR when it comes to attracting investors, as in current times, investors are often willing to weigh in non-financial factors (such as social impact) in their choices. Therefore, SMBs' commitment to CSR not only contributes to societal good but can also serve as a compelling proposition for investment. Concluding remarks: the future of CSR As the global society becomes increasingly complex, more patience will be needed to understand the ever-changing ethics and sustainability models of the world. While it may take effort to plan and adapt, CSR is most surely a wise move for corporations in the long run.

Embracing Work Travel: The Importance of the Right Tech Tools for SMB Employees

Remote working was relatively unheard of before the Covid-19 pandemic swept the world. Suddenly, governments announced country-wide lockdowns, and travel or meeting in groups was heavily restricted. Many company employees started working from home to keep the world of work spinning, and online meetings and remote collaboration became the norm. Around 17% of Americans worked from home five or more days per week prior to the pandemic, jumping to 44% as the virus took hold. Company bosses learned early on that remote working is significantly easier when combined with suitable tech tools. Digital nomads are another type of remote worker, swapping the office for any location they please. These remote workers travel the world with just a backpack or suitcase and a laptop and work from anywhere with a stable WiFi connection. Some digital nomads are employees working for companies that have embraced the remote working trends. Others are freelancers or business owners that do not wish to be chained to a single location. A third kind of remote worker is employees traveling for business purposes. So-called business travel could be to participate in exhibitions, conduct factory audits, or have meetings with customers, lasting a few days or weeks at a time. Business travel took a knock during the Covid-19 pandemic as restrictions and closed venues made in-person events and meetings virtually impossible. However, business travel is on the rise as we move into a new normal, with related spending in the United States and Europe expected to exceed two-thirds of the 2019 amount by the end of 2023.  What are the best laptops for work travel? Work travel laptops such as Acer’s TravelMate Series must be flexible enough to withstand travel conditions and allow users to collaborate with colleagues while abroad. They should be designed for hybrid workstyles, providing maximum support for life in the office or on the road. Here are some features that make a computer perfect for working travel. 1) High-quality sound Work travel employees just never know when they can enjoy peace and quiet. Packed trade show venues often have poor sound quality, while coffee shops or public meeting rooms can be noisy and unsuitable for discussing sensitive information. Acer’s AI-powered purified voice feature ensures microphone clarity during meetings and calls, allowing employees to hear clearly while on the go. This optimized video conference feature suppresses background noise to ensure employees will not miss a sound during meetings. 2) Privacy features  Device security comes in many forms. Work travel employees that are tired and under pressure to deliver work while on the road may forget to take additional security measures. On-screen information may be visible to others when working in trade show venues or public areas, and there is a risk of sensitive data being seen by malicious individuals or hackers. The Acer Privacy Panel protects screens from wandering eyes and obscures viewing angles beyond 90°.  3) Security technology  Work travel laptops should include security-boosting technology to protect users.  User-Sensing Technology from Acer includes a screen AutoLock feature that automatically locks the screen when users leave their laptops. This enhances safety during work travel, especially during trade shows where employees may be suddenly called away from their desks. Moreover, the User-Sensing Technology combines a Break Reminder and Screen Distance Reminder to ensure employees’ physical well-being during use. 4) Eye protection  Working long hours behind a computer screen can be hard on our eyes. Dimly lit conference rooms or trade shows with dazzling bright lights can cause reflections and unclear screen text. Acer TravelMate laptops include a built-in RGB sensor next to the webcam to support Acer Light Sensing technology. This outstanding technology detects ambient light conditions and adjusts the display’s brightness and color temperature accordingly. Acer Light Sensing technology maintains a natural look, delivering an optimal user experience while ensuring user well-being. 5) Remove dust and dirt  Work travel is hard on laptops. Aside from being lugged around airport terminals or in and out of taxis, adjusting to different climates can also be tough on devices. The Acer DustDefender improves the longevity of devices and ensures maximum performance by expelling dust from fans during start-up and after every six hours of use. This reduces the build-up of dust for top performance in all environments.  Conclusion Remote workers, digital nomads, and employees on business trips all embrace travel as part of their working lives. Traveling for work can be exhausting, and workers are expected to travel light to save time and space. Employees usually take their work laptops on business trips to stick to deadlines and attend meetings while on the go. As employees may be required to connect with unsecured public WiFi networks, laptops should include Secured-Core PC technology to protect data down to the core. The WorkMate series from Acer is the perfect travel companion, packed with outstanding additional features like Privacy Panels to shield sensitive data from prying eyes and Light Sensing Technology to reduce eye strain during use. This powerful but considerate range of devices goes hand-in-hand with work travel, streamlining the experience while offering ultimate protection.

A Preview of Remnant 2

Remnant 2, the sequel to the best-selling game Remnant: From the Ashes, will be launching in a matter of weeks. Remnant 2 evolves the co-op survival shooter with new unseen worlds filled with deadly surprises and encounters. The sequel blends sci-fi, fantasy, and high-octane combat, offering players an addictive mix of exploration, discovery, and the thrill of survival against overwhelming odds. Continue reading to find out how developer Gunfire Games has reimagined and refined the Remnant gaming experience. Remnant: From the Ashes Remnant: From the Ashes, the first game in the series, is a third-person survival action game by developer Gunfire Games and publisher Gearbox Publishing. Released in 2019 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, the game can be played solo or with two other players. From the Ashes tells the tale of a post-apocalyptic world overrun by a malevolent, all-conquering force known only as The Root. Driven by unknown motives, The Root traveled from far away realms and laid claim to Earth almost a century ago, with the dwindling numbers of human survivors struggling to push back against these interdimensional invaders. Survivors from Ward 13, one of the last bastions of humankind, discovered the World Stones, which have the power to open portals into other realms and dimensions. The full potential of the World Stones is known only to the ward’s Founder, who has gone missing. Players are tasked with journeying into the other worlds in search of the Founder, the source of The Root, and a means to eradicate The Root once and for all. From the Ashes drew inspiration from the slew of hardcore games that have collectively become known as Soulslike games. Its worlds and environments are harsh, and much like in Dark Souls, combat in From the Ashes is punishing, with enemies often presenting very tough challenges that demand skill, understanding of your equipment, and knowledge of enemy patterns and battle tactics. The game also features menacing boss encounters with complex mechanics that require involved strategies and proper preparation to overcome. From the Ashes was a big hit back in 2019 primarily for its skillful blend of satisfying gunplay and rewarding exploration mechanics: every time the world is reloaded, different bosses are waiting. The game’s procedurally generated levels change with every playthrough, allowing for variations of enemies, bosses, events, loot, and even story-related elements. Although primarily a third-person shooter, with its melee combat style and stamina bar, the game features a whole host of role-playing game elements, keeping players returning for more. Remnant 2 storyline and gameplay Remnant 2 takes place roughly two decades after the first game’s events. Ward 13 has been relatively safe and expanding beyond its initial confines, with peace having slowly returned. Unfortunately, the Root continues to invade other worlds through the Labyrinth portal, and the player must venture forth and stop it, hopefully once and for all. As players return once again to continue the story, they will notice a large number of changes, big and small, to the game’s mechanics and content. First, the sequel incorporates verticality into its display, a feature that was conspicuously absent from the original game. This gives encounters a more dynamic feel. You are no longer confined to the ground; gaps can be leapt over, and enemies can attack from above. Also, a new three-dimensional mini-map has been added that helps you to contextualize environments and locate important objects. The map rotates as you explore, and when certain objects are in your vicinity, they light up on the map. A new inspection option has also been provided that allows you to tilt and rotate objects in three dimensions to get a closer look at their surface details. Much of the weapons from the first game, including lever action rifles, pistols, machine guns, and shotguns, are present in the sequel, but it would not be much of an update without some new weapons, and there are plenty of enticing options. In the recent trailer, an assault rifle with an aesthetic akin to The Labyrinth, a throwing axe, a flail, and a bow have been spotted. Remnant 2 is much smarter with its randomized dungeon generation, and with each playthrough, entire biomes will be generated that each have their own specific NPCs, bosses, and quests. For example, in Yaesha, you may find yourself battling flying monsters across floating islands on the first visit and then wandering through a forest with killer lizards on the second visit. Remnant 2 archetypes In Remnant 2, you will have much more flexibility in customizing and polishing your character’s abilities thanks to the overhaul of the character classes system into one that features archetypes. Choosing a starting archetype provides you with a predefined set of gear loadout that consists of an armor set, three unique weapons, and a signature archetype trait, not unlike how From the Ashes treated the different classes. However, in Remnant 2, you are given additional archetype perks and skills that can be further unlocked and improved by gaining experience and leveling up. Each archetype has a prime perk, and by leveling it up, you can unlock other new perks that can buff your team, increase damage, and so on. And unlike mods, skills have cooldown timers. Remnant 2 basically features an independent progression for each archetype. The following are the four archetypes available in the game: * The Challenger is a flexible fighter who can be tailored to one’s playstyle. This archetype is designed to wear heavy armor without getting encumbered and has a skill whereby they can get back in a fight after taking fatal damage. They are skilled at handling mobs of enemies, from sending a high-impact shock wave to the ground with a stomp skill to turning into an unrelenting, unstoppable force with a skill that buffs movement speed and melee damage. * The Handler gets a dog companion that has three modes to utilize. Guard will make the dog howl to draw aggro from enemies, support will make the dog heal the player and any allies in the group, and attack instructs the dog to go on the offensive. The bandana the dog wears around its neck changes color depending on the current mode. You can also order the dog’s location using a ping system. * The Gunslinger is the prime damage dealer and weapons expert. This archetype has a skill that enables automatic reloading of both equipped weapons. Another skill, the quick draw, allows the player to shoot six rounds from the hip, automatically targeting enemies within a certain range. The Gunslinger is a master at firing at a high rate, handling weapons, and managing ammo efficiently. * The Medic is the team’s support archetype and primarily helps keep others in the fight. Medics are more resistant than other archetypes to getting interrupted while using relics. Skills available to the medic include being able to punch a hole in the ground to create a healing spring, forming a shockwave that can heal downed allies, and expelling healing energy to form a protective shield for the team. A dual archetype mechanic adds even more functionality. Dual archetypes give you the ability to use traits and skills from a different archetype on your character. For example, if you are a Gunslinger, you can take a trait and skill from the Challenger archetype to add toughness to your character. You can only use one skill and one trait from the secondary archetype, and these start at level 1, regardless of the level of your primary archetype. Also, you cannot equip prime perks from the secondary archetype. However, overall, this system grants much more freedom when creating a character. You can also swap between unlocked skills or change to a completely different archetype out of combat; no more having to start a new character to try a new class. Lesser updates to the game From the Ashes had some memorable boss fights, and the sequel continues the trend of delivering countless satisfying bosses; however, it definitely ups the ante in scale and mechanics. The Mother Mind is one such example, attacking with its massive limbs and eventually destroying the platform that players stand on. New enemies, from small creatures to giant beasts, can be seen in the trailer, but details on the specific characteristics of new enemies you can expect to encounter in the sequel are not yet available. You will see some familiar worlds in the sequel but also some changes. Yaesha, home to the Pan, has become overrun by the Root and warped almost beyond recognition. The Fae and Dran worlds of the first game have combined into one—Losomn. The major change to the world of Remnant 2 is in the design and depth of each dungeon. The graphics and detail in each level look to be very well designed. The combat in Remnant 2 looks similar to that of From the Ashes. Every time you sprint and dodge roll, stamina is consumed. You can equip two guns and a melee weapon and use different armor sets. Several new melee weapons have been added, and the melee combat style has been improved. With the new weapons comes a new enhancement mechanism: alongside the modification slot is a mutator slot. From the Ashes was best played co-op, and Remnant 2 is likely to be similar in this regard. Based on the gameplay showcased thus far, co-op looks to scale up the difficulty, as was the case for its predecessor. Remnant 2 release date Remnant 2 is scheduled to release on July 25, 2023, and will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Whether it will be available in Xbox Game Pass is not yet clear. Microsoft usually announce their inclusions into the Xbox Game Pass lineup only one week in advance, so keep your eye out on Xbox Wire for news on whether Remnant 2 will be included. In the meantime, check out the Xbox Game Pass and see why Acer is an official sponsor. 

What is Coromon?

In the world of monster-taming games, Coromon holds a special status. The success of Pokémon and Digimon, the undisputed originators of the phenomenon, has inspired many imitators, but few have become as popular and widespread as Coromon. Coromon’s gameplay admittedly takes a lot from its Pokémon inspirations. Much of the game involves the same sort of tasks that constitute a Pokémon game: you explore a large map as you catch various creatures and battle enemies. While some people believe the relatively few differences between Coromon and Pokémon aren’t enough to make Coromon a true innovator, others think that new touches, like the ability to choose your difficulty level, are fresh enough to prove Coromon’s worth. Regardless, there’s no doubt that Coromon has left its mark and will likely be relevant for years to come. If you’re a fan of games like Pokémon and haven’t yet checked this one out, it’s well worth the time. Keep reading to learn about the basics of the game, including its setting and backdrop, types of Coromon, and more! The world of Coromon Coromon takes place in the world of Velua. Your character has teamed up with the global research society Lux Solis and been assigned to the Titan Taskforce, a group tasked with investigating the six Titans on Velua. But, as you soon find out, a new problem arises: “soon you find extraterrestrial forces bringing a mysterious elemental type to your planet, causing the fundament of the world to slowly collapse”. The responsibility of gathering the Titan Essences in order to fix the damage then falls on your shoulders. This serves as the backdrop to the more mundane tasks of capturing animals and defeating enemies in battle. Types of Coromon You may be wondering, how many species of Coromon are there? Indeed, it’s important to know about each type of Coromon as well as their strengths and weaknesses in order to perform well in the battles. There are 8 elemental types of Coromon according to the Coromon wiki: Normal, Electric, Ghost, Sand, Fire, Ice, Water, and Dark Magic. To emerge victorious from battles in this game, a thorough understanding of each type’s advantages and disadvantages is essential. Some types are twice as effective attacking a particular other type, for example, while others receive double damage when attacked. You can assess the suitability of any type for battle by consulting the Type Chart displayed below. The types of Coromon also differ according to their skill type. There are also 6 skill types: Magic, Foul, Heavy, Air, Poison, and Cut. These skill types determine how effective a Coromon’s skill will be against another, and it’s an important factor to consider when heading into battle. Quests This is a part of the game that those who are Pokémon fans will easily recognize. In order to advance in Coromon, you’ll need to complete quests. Quests are tasks or challenges that provide the player with a variety of rewards when completed. You may for example receive 2 oki fruit or teleport access to the site of the following level. These are typically given by NPCs, or non-playing characters, of which Coromon has many. All in all, there are six kinds of quests, as is featured below: * Battle Quests require the player to battle a certain Coromon or Trainer.  * Capture Quests require the player to venture into the wild and catch a Coromon.  * Fetch Quests require the player to locate and bring an item for the NPC.  * Puzzle Quests require the player to solve a puzzle.  * Quiz Quests require the player to answer questions correctly.  * Talk Quests require the player to talk to a NPC. Evolution Similar to Pokémon, your Coromon evolves and grows throughout the course of the game. Most frequently, evolution occurs right after a battle, when you’ve achieved the required level to evolve. Some Coromon, however, have specific requirements in order to evolve. In order to evolve from Slitherpin to Serpike, for example, you must faint from the heat in the Scorching Sands with Slitherpin as your leading party member. In some ways, the process of evolution is different between types. Some types have two evolutionary stages while others have three and Titans don’t evolve at all. However, for all types, you’ll know that it has evolved when you see that its stats increase suddenly but its level stays the same. After that, you’ll see the Coromon growing larger and possibly acquiring some additional features, like a horn. Critical reception Both critical and user reception has thus far been relatively positive. Many have praised the game for the vast extension of its universe which allows for a high level of replayability. Others like that the difficulty level can be adjusted, giving each gamer the chance to decide how hard they want it. Naturally, there was also some negative feedback. Some were of the opinion that Coromon copies too much from the Pokémon franchise without succeeding in innovating or improving the gameplay experience, and others simply found the game boring. These critics don’t claim that Coromon is a carbon copy of Pokémon, as differences in features like leveling up and stamina prove that false. Rather, they feel that these were minor tweaks that did little to show that Coromon had improved upon the original material. At the end of the day, what one person likes about a game is precisely what someone else can’t stand. As is evidenced by Coromon’s high esteem in the Pokémon-like genre, there are enough people that adore this game to make it well worth checking out. Conclusion In the realm of Pokémon-like games, Coromon has deserved its reputation as one of the best out of a sea of Pokémon and Digimon imitations. The minor tweaks made to a game on the whole very similar to its inspirations improve on the experience, even if the improvements are not as great as some would hope. Coromon hasn’t dethroned Pokémon, but it doesn’t have to: it’s a game well worth playing on its own merits.  

How Phantom Liberty Will Change Cyberpunk 2077

Phantom Liberty, the highly anticipated expansion to Cyberpunk 2077, is slated for release later this year. The expansion will bring a whole new storyline to the game and is being released alongside an update that will revamp the entire game experience, with changes for the better across almost all game elements and features. The expansion, which releases on September 26, 2023, will feature a brand-new storyline involving the president of the New United States of America (NUSA), a dangerous new subdistrict called Dogtown, and exciting new characters, including Songbird and Idris Elba’s Solomon Reed, giving players plenty to do in Night City. What is Cyberpunk 2077? Based on the popular 1998 tabletop RPG series of the same name, Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, first-person action-adventure role-playing video game set in the dystopian metropolis of Night City. Following an economic collapse sometime during the early twenty-first century, the New United States is forced to rely on large corporations to survive. These corporations deal in a wide range of areas, such as weapons, robotics, cybernetics, pharmaceuticals, communications, and biotechnology; many of these companies operate above the law. The game follows the story of V—a hired gun on the rise in Night City, the most violent and dangerous metropolis of the corporate-ruled future. The player character V can acquire skills in hacking and machinery with options for melee and ranged combat. V’s voice, face, hairstyle, body type and modifications, background, and clothing are all customizable. In the game, V struggles with a mysterious cybernetic implant that threatens to overwrite his or her body with the personality and memories of a deceased celebrity called Johnny Silverhand (portrayed by Keanu Reeves) who is only perceived by V; the two must work together to be separated and save V’s life. Following the character creation menu, Cyberpunk 2077 begins by offering the player one of three different life paths to choose for V. These not only flesh out his or her backstory but also start the game in one of three different locations. All life paths involve V doing business in Night City and discovering the existence of ​​a chip that contains the soul of Johnny Silverhand. Cyberpunk 2077 was released to great fanfare in December 2020 for PC, Xbox One and Series X|S, and PlayStation 4 and 5. The game received initial complaints of laggy and buggy performance, with Sony pulling the game from the PlayStation store two weeks after its release. The game was added back to the PlayStation store six months later with much-needed bug fixes, and it received a major patch in February 2022 containing a large number of gameplay improvements, quest and gameplay fixes, and several free DLCs. The Phantom Liberty update will be the biggest update the game has seen in the eighteen months since that patch was released. An anime series based on the game, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, premiered on Netflix in September 2022. The series was animated by Japanese Studio Trigger under the supervision of development studio CD Projekt, and was so popular that it boosted sales of the video game by both new and existing players. Who is CD Projekt Red? Cyberpunk 2077 is a product of CD Projekt RED, a Polish video game publisher and developer. CD Projekt RED was founded in February 2002 as a development studio subdivision of CD Projekt and is the creator of the widely acclaimed video game series The Witcher. The studio is headquartered in Warsaw and has offices in the United States, Canada, South Korea, and China and currently has more than 1000 employees. The only games released by CD Projekt Red thus far are those in The Witcher series, which have sold more than 75 million copies, and Cyberpunk 2077, which has sold more than 20 million copies. For these games, both of which are nonlinear role-playing video games, the studio developed their own game engine called REDengine. Notably, Phantom Liberty will be the last game produced on REDengine, with the company switching to the third-party Unreal Engine 5 for upcoming projects. The decision to change the game engine came down to Unreal Engine 5’s new focus on open world game design rather than the linear games which earlier iterations of Unreal saw the most success with. CD Projekt Red is currently working on a new Witcher trilogy, a remake of Witcher 1, a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, and a new standalone title separate from the Witcher and Cyberpunk intellectual properties known only in its current conceptual phase as Project Hadar. Storyline of the new Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Here are all the details released so far about the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC. The expansion sees the return of V and takes the story to Dogtown, a walled-off combat zone in a former suburb and subdistrict of Night City that lies south of the city proper. Intended as a vacation resort for the ultra-wealthy, the suburb in which Dogtown is located was left unfinished when the NUSA threatened to invade the autonomous Night City from the south. Abandoned and derelict, the area became overrun by criminal activity, poverty, and violence. ​​Phantom Liberty will explore the wider story around Dogtown, the Free States, and the NUSA.  In Phantom Liberty, V changes from a mercenary for hire into a secret agent working for the government. Rosalind Myers, the President of the NUSA, had her orbital shuttle shot down over Night City’s deadliest district, Dogtown, and V is the only one who can help her. Granted, V will be helped by two new characters: Songbird, an accomplished netrunner and President Myers’ right hand, and Solomon Reed, a veteran agent of the Federal Investigation Agency who is portrayed by Idris Elba. And of course, V’s old “friend” Silverhand will always be there for emotional support. Like in Cyberpunk 2077 proper, players will be tasked with difficult choices that alter the outcomes in the game—whether V sides with Reed or Silverhand will be in the hands of players. What new things are being added to the game? * Vehicle Combat. A commonly requested feature that was missing from the base game of Cyberpunk 2077 was vehicle combat. Although there were scripted sequences where players could shoot from their vehicles as part of the main storyline, many players were disappointed that this wasn't a core aspect of the game. Thankfully, it appears that this has been addressed in Phantom Liberty, with a sequence showcasing players firing from their cars and rumors suggesting vehicles with built-in weaponry as part of their design. * New Weapons. Players can anticipate a range of new weapons and modifications, including impressive melee finishing animations, in the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC. Some of these weapons may be included in the update and thus available for free in the base game, while others might be exclusive to the DLC. Additionally, a new mechanic has been introduced that allows players to execute unique finishing animations when wielding melee weapons against opponents with low health. * Improved Police AI. A criticized aspect of Cyberpunk 2077 is the flawed crime system and lack of realistic police mechanics. Instead of simply spawning nearby, Phantom Liberty completely overhauls the policing system, introducing a “Wanted level” mechanic that increases how much effort the police take to apprehend the player based on the player’s criminal activities. From individual officers on motorcycles to heavily armored MaxTac units, it seems that police will be far more effective after the update. * Songbird. One of the more mysterious and intriguing aspects of Phantom Liberty is the introduction of Songbird. While it is not clear exactly what role she might play in the overall narrative, it is mentioned that she offers V a cure for his or her terminal illness, which could have massive implications for the outcome of the game. Much like Silverhand, Songbird appears to exist in a slightly different dimension than normal, being surrounded by digital static similar to that which surrounds Silverhand. * Giant Mechs. In a world so dominated by robotics and transhumanism, the absence of mech characters has been noticed in Cyberpunk 2077. The expansion will feature at least one colossal, spider-like mech boss, although whether players will have to destroy it or attempt to escape from it remains unclear. This gigantic robot, featured in the trailer, possesses a devastating laser beam and is shown pursuing both V and the fleeing president. CD Projekt Red has confirmed that Phantom Liberty will increase the system requirements for Cyberpunk 2077 due to the enhancements and new features being introduced. The bottom end of the spectrum will see players requiring a GTX 780 or Radeon™ RX 470 graphics card with a minimum of 3 GB of VRAM, 8 GB of memory, and either an Intel® Core™ i5-3570K or AMD FX-8310 processor. That will enable users to play the game at a low preset at 1080p. Meanwhile, players looking to stick at 1080p at a high preset will want to be boasting a GTX 1060 or Radeon RX 950 with 6 GB of VRAM, 12 GB of memory, and either an Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD Ryzen 3 3200G processor. Furthermore, consistent with CD Projekt Red’s decision to phase out development for older consoles, all further new content updates and improvements for Cyberpunk 2077, including the Phantom Liberty DLC, will be made exclusively for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. What is the Cyberpunk DLC release date?  The Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty release date is set for September 26, 2023, and the update will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Whether the title will be available on Xbox Games Pass has not been confirmed, but make sure you check out the Xbox Games Pass and see why Acer is an official sponsor.

A Preview of My Friendly Neighborhood

When it comes to horror games, few can hold a light to Resident Evil 4, although several other titles have had a similar impact on the genre, including Silver Chains, The Evil Within, Sons of the Forest, and Five Nights at Freddy’s. Now, a soon-to-be-released title is stepping up as the perfect game for horror fans looking for solid and surprising scares—without the typical accompanying gore. My Friendly Neighborhood is a highly entertaining pseudo-horror game that features a colorful cast of puppet friends turned adversaries. Read on to see what this game entails and why you are sure to want to try it out. My Friendly Neighborhood storyline and gameplay My Friendly Neighborhood is a first-person survival horror game that merges the likes of Poppy Playtime and High on Life into one quirky, albeit oddly creepy adventure. The story goes something like this: an educational television program called “The Friendly Neighborhood,” featuring a colorful cast of kooky puppets, was once a hugely popular Saturday morning show. For years, the show’s puppets delighted children across the nation; however, over time, interest in the show waned, and eventually the show’s production studio closed its doors for good, leaving the puppets abandoned. Except recently, the studio has somehow come back to life and started broadcasting The Friendly Neighborhood on repeat. Yet something’s amiss with the new show... are the cast eating each other?! Thinking the antenna on top of the main building has started broadcasting old episodes, the city sends Handyman Gordon to the decommissioned studio to straighten things out. It doesn’t take Gordon long to learn that the typically friendly neighborhood has become a lot less welcoming. Think Sesame Street, but if Cookie Monster had dropped the first half of his name and Big Bird had decided Elmo looked like a snack. In My Friendly Neighborhood, players step into Gordon’s work-boots and must fend off ferocious friends, solve a number of perilous puzzles, and uncover the truth behind the terrifying environment. That extremely strong premise paves the way for plenty of cartoonish shenanigans, with several references to the old Sesame Street show that many readers will remember watching in their youth. However, whereas games such as Resident Evil are known for their dark tones and terrifying moments, My Friendly Neighborhood mostly makes light of the genre, with its brightly colored environments and extremely silly antagonists. For example, in one section, players have to avoid the attention of a massive Big Bird–like abomination that is trying to devour Gordon as he collects letter tiles to pass a spelling test. In another section, players will find themselves in sewers that serve as the domain to an extremely Grouch-y tenant attempting to bonk Gordon over the head with a wrench. John and Evan Szymanski are the creative minds behind My Friendly Neighborhood. The two-brother development team first teased the project back in 2021, at which time the publisher, DreadXP, posted a couple of trailers to show fans what they could expect when the game was eventually completed. Game mechanics and experience The game offers nonlinear survival horror gameplay, where players must explore diverse environments, solve puzzles, and use unique weapons to survive. The main focus of gameplay revolves around solving puzzles to be able to escape the various environments while avoiding detection by the roaming ill-fated puppets. Assisting Gordon in his escape from each environment is his trusty toolbox. Acting as an inventory, the toolbox features a limited amount of space that is represented with a grid. Carefully managing this space is integral to seeing success in the game, particularly as some of the more useful items take up two slots in that grid system. Two of the weapons that we have seen are guns that fire letters of the alphabet as ammunition. One of the guns is modeled after a pistol (called the Rolodexer), and the other is modeled after a shotgun and is initially hidden somewhere in the game and has to be discovered before it can be used. Although players will see no dead bodies or dismemberment in this game, they are guaranteed an intense and painful experience engaging in battles to defend against their new puppet pals who demand hugs. Much of the time in the game is spent alternately gunning down and running away from the sentient props. Players also have to navigate around sewers to find various tools that help them progress while making sure to keep enough room in their inventory to keep both the new items and enough ammo and healing items to see them safely around. Other conundrums abound, including memory and number puzzles. The puppets come in several varieties: regular “neighbors,” each with deceptively amicable names like Norman and Liliana, and “main stage” puppets that accompany each new area. The rotund Goblette, for instance, charges forward, arms outstretched, threatening to scoop you up in its gigantic mouth. Puppets can be defeated in combat, although scarce ammo and other resources often encourage players to find alternative, safer paths forward.  Sound and graphics When not aware of the player (and even when chasing Gordon, to a lesser extent), each puppet delivers a variety of monologues at all times in peppy voices. What at first sounds like your normal childish fare on subjects like making friends or feeding animals at a park slowly reveals itself to be a twisted array of truly unhinged comments, such as instructions on how to eat your own hands or the importance of finding friends that will forgive you for beating the crap out of them. The gun models are visually impressive and really stick out, looking as though they’ve been cobbled together from office equipment. The environments that players need to escape from vary between plush corridors of executive lobbies, dank depths of underground sewers, and the more unusual sets of the titular television show. Hardly the Spencer Mansion; most areas may look light and breezy, but they contain compact, detailed environments that require back and forth to get through, and many secrets have been hidden in the game for players to discover. My Friendly Neighborhood release date My Friendly Neighborhood will be launching on PC via Steam on July 18, 2023. It will also be heading to Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5, although DreadXP has yet to confirm when exactly that is likely to be. A demo of the game has been available for download on Steam since early 2022, so players can check out the game now, before the full version releases later this month. Overall, My Friendly Neighborhood is a hearty mix of hilarity and heart attacks. The puppets have wacky and hilarious dialogue spoken in quintessential puppet voices, and this in combination with their floppy, colorful bodies is effectively juxtaposed with the ever-present danger in the game, making for an immensely entertaining handful of hours. My Friendly Neighborhood promises to be one of the more unique and intriguing horror games on the market. For those who enjoy this type of game, be sure to check out the Xbox Game Pass for even more exciting games in one simple subscription, and see why Acer is an official sponsor of the Xbox Game Pass. 

DuckDuckGo's New Browser: A Beacon of Privacy in a Data-Driven World

Fed up with your every click tracked online? Digital titans like Facebook, YouTube, and Google have built their empires on user data. However, a beacon of hope has emerged - DuckDuckGo, the search engine that champions privacy. Now, it's safeguarding your data with its new Windows browser. Say goodbye to: * Invasive tracking.  * Targeted ads that mirror your online behavior.  * Losing control over your personal data. While mainstream browsers prioritize data collection and personalized advertising, DuckDuckGo puts your privacy first. Its Windows browser on desktops stops trackers before they load, stopping them from: * Collecting your personal data.  * Blocking sites from following you around online. With DuckDuckGo's brand-new Windows browser, you can regain control of your digital identity. Let's explore why it's become a beacon of hope for privacy-conscious individuals in the digital age. What does DuckDuckGo stand for?  In an era dominated by data harvesting, DuckDuckGo lets you take back your online privacy. Founded in 2008 by Gabriel Weinberg, DuckDuckGo has built its brand around a simple yet powerful ethos: "Privacy, simplified." Unlike mainstream browsers and search engines, DuckDuckGo doesn't track your browsing or search history, so it can't provide targeted, personalized ads. Its products include encryption, web and app tracker blocking, email protection, and private search. They don't require you to toggle any complex settings. With the launch of its new Windows browser, DuckDuckGo is offering a refuge for everyone weary of covert online tracking and eager to reclaim their digital privacy. The importance of privacy in the digital age  Ever wondered who's keeping tabs on your every click online? Websites have been amassing user data to sell to third-party sites or for targeted advertising for years. Industry behemoths like Facebook, YouTube, and Google lead the charge. With Google, as you use its services, a user profile based on personal data is created, including your: * Search habits  * Web activity history  * Purchasing history  * Location history This data is then used for targeted advertising, leading to ads that mirror your recent searches and online activity. However, several high-profile data scandals have sparked a new awareness of the threats to our digital privacy. Notable among these were: * Yahoo Controversy: In 2013, Yahoo suffered a massive data breach impacting all its users - approximately 3 billion accounts, a figure that tripled from the initial disclosure in 2016. The breach exposed user information, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, hashed passwords, and security questions and answers.   * Cambridge Analytica Scandal: This notorious political consulting firm harvested the personal data of millions of Facebook users without consent. The data was wielded for targeted political advertising during the contentious 2016 U.S. Presidential election.  * Google Location Tracking: In 2022, Google had to cough up $392 million to 40 US states following an investigation that found the tech giant continued tracking users' locations even after they opted out. Our online privacy is clearly more at risk than ever before. Enter DuckDuckGo, the champion of Internet privacy. What is DuckDuckGo Search?  In a digital landscape where conventional search engines log your every search, DuckDuckGo emerges as a privacy-centered alternative. On mobile, the search engine is the 2nd most popular in the U.S., edging Bing and Yahoo. What sets DuckDuckGo apart? Simply put, this search engine respects your digital anonymity through: * The Privacy Pledge: DuckDuckGo doesn't monitor your online journey like Google or serve targeted advertising based on your search history. You'll encounter fewer ads, and those that do appear won't eerily mirror your recent online searches.  * No Search History: DuckDuckGo doesn't archive your searches. Nor does it keep or share any personal data linked to your search queries.  * No User Profiling: It doesn't store I.P. addresses or unique identifiers in search logs. This means it can't compile search histories or create user profiles. The result? Every DuckDuckGo user gets the same search results, unfiltered and unbiased by personalized data. DuckDuckGo has expanded beyond its search engine to provide free privacy-centric apps, including:  * A popular browser extension for Safari, Chrome & Firefox.  * App tracking protection for Android.  * Email privacy protection.  * A browser. What is DuckDuckGo Private Browser?  Now officially in public beta for Windows, this browser embodies the company’s ethos: a refusal to collect your data or track your digital footprints across the web. What can you expect from this privacy-guarding browser? Here’s a quick rundown: * Private searching and tracker blocking: Say goodbye to data collection and say hello to digital anonymity.  * Pop-up management: The browser automatically selects private options and blocks intrusive cookie consent pop-up messages.  * Targeted Ad-free YouTube: Enjoy your favorite YouTube content without those pesky targeted ads.  * Email Protection: Hide your actual email address behind a unique address, ideal for signing up for online services. At first glance, the DuckDuckGo browser might remind you of Chrome or Edge, with its familiar interface, tabbed browsing, and search bar. But its unique features really set it apart: * Duck Player: A YouTube player that removes targeted ads and cookies so you can watch videos without privacy-invading ads and ensure your viewing habits don’t skew your recommendations.  * Advanced Tracker Blocking: This feature goes beyond what Chrome and other browsers offer, blocking hidden trackers from companies like Google and Facebook before they even get a chance to load.  * Innovative Encryption: DuckDuckGo works overtime to ensure that more website visits and clicked links are encrypted, offering a safer browsing experience than other browsers.  * The Fire Button: Erases all your recent browsing data in under a second, including tabs, history, and cookies, with a single click. A handy “Fireproof” option lets you stay logged into selected sites.  * Secure Password Management: A secure, user-friendly password manager automatically remembers and inputs login details. The browser can even suggest secure passwords for new accounts. In the future, you can sync bookmarks and passwords across devices, making privacy protection convenient on all platforms – Windows, Android, or Mac.  * Ad Blocking: Rather than blocking ads, it obstructs intrusive trackers before they load, effectively wiping out ads that rely on such tracking. The result? Fewer ads - if any at all. It also cleans up the excess whitespace for a sleek, distraction-free look without needing an external ad blocker. Interestingly, DuckDuckGo's pre-blocking of trackers means the browser uses approximately "60% less data than Chrome." Built on Windows' own rendering engine, it leans on Windows' updates for security, offering you a reliable, privacy-focused alternative to Google Search and Chrome. How to install DuckDuckGo Browser?  Interested in trying out DuckDuckGo's new Windows browser? Here's how you can install it: 1.   Visit the DuckDuckGo Windows beta browser download page.  2.   Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation. And don't worry about the potential inconvenience of transitioning between browsers. DuckDuckGo simplifies this process by allowing you to import your passwords and bookmarks from your previous browser. ​​We also list the best secure business browsers available to experiment with. How much does the DuckDuckGo Browser cost?  DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser for mobile devices and Windows is entirely free to use. Is the DuckDuckGo Browser worth it?  Yes. DuckDuckGo is a great choice if you're looking for enhanced privacy and a safer way to browse the web. While it's still new and might have some issues in beta, it's an excellent choice for those who value privacy and can navigate minor hiccups. Extension support isn't available yet, but DuckDuckGo plans to add this feature soon. With its privacy-centric features and commitment to user security, DuckDuckGo's browser offers a powerful alternative in the fight for digital privacy. The Bottom Line  DuckDuckGo gives you control over your personal data, making it unique in today's digital world. It offers privacy as a standard, not just an option. Its promise to not collect, store, or share your data sets it apart from other search engines and browsers. You can reclaim your online privacy with DuckDuckGo search or its Private Browser. DuckDuckGo symbolizes a safer internet where freedom and privacy are intertwined and free from constant surveillance.




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